epub, mobi |eng | 2016-10-24 | Author:Timothy Keller [Keller, Timothy]

CHAPTER 5 MARY’S FAITH The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly ...
( Category: Christmas March 17,2017 )
mobi |eng | 2011-03-15 | Author:Matthew Kelly

Meditation What is my destiny? How can I unveil the mystery of God for someone else, and help them find their destiny? Prayer God of peace, you watch over me ...
( Category: Christmas April 8,2016 )
mobi, pdf |eng | 2009-10-04 | Author:Joel Waldfogel

Is Yuletide Borrowing Bad? Many normal people would view Yuletide borrowing dimly, as yet another example of profligate American consumers living beyond their means. Because, of course, Americans do live ...
( Category: Christmas March 2,2016 )
epub |eng | | Author:Alex Palmer

On the rainy Saturday that officially kicked off the 1917 season, Boniface stepped into her new position. Wearing a high-waisted skirt and satin blouse, her hair done up in a ...
( Category: Christmas February 1,2016 )
epub |eng | 2015-12-24 | Author:Ace Collins [Collins, Ace]

17 THE WASSAIL SONG The custom of wassailing goes back at least to medieval times. A few historians have even traced parts of this ancient custom and the song to ...
( Category: Christmas December 26,2015 )
epub |eng | 2001-10-08 | Author:John MacArthur [MacArthur, John]

Just how widespread is this joyous good news? Is it for only the favored few or restricted to just the educated elite? We know that’s not true if the angel ...
( Category: Christmas December 19,2015 )
epub |eng | 2009-08-31 | Author:James Calvin Schaap [Schaap, James Calvin]

4 . . . The Church Finding Something “We’ve not found anything, Mom.” That’s what Ellen had told her, and how many times hadn’t Ellen said exactly that when she ...
( Category: Christmas December 19,2015 )
epub |eng | 2013-03-09 | Author:Santa Claus [Claus, Santa]

Dear Santa, I am sorry on how the way I acted this year. I’ve nown how bad I was, mad I was, and sad I was but you have some ...
( Category: Christmas December 18,2015 )
epub |eng | 2012-09-01 | Author:David McLaughlan [McLaughlan, David]

The boardinghouse was in Medford, Massachusetts. The town is rightly proud of the connection and commemorates it with a plaque. When? According to the commemoration plaque in Medford, “One Horse ...
( Category: Christmas December 17,2015 )
mobi |eng | 2012-12-11 | Author:Rick Warren

❖ "I'd like to see the end of political bickering on TV." ❖ "I need peace in my mind and my heart." "A peaceful neighborhood. End prejudice against Muslims." ❖ ...
( Category: Christmas December 17,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2006-06-15 | Author:Max Lucado

CHAPTER 5 SATURDAY EVENING December 17, 1864 Guests occupied every corner of the Barstow parlor. With full bellies and filled glasses, they lingered long after the meal. Charles Barstow discussed ...
( Category: Christmas December 16,2015 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2012-09-30 | Author:Warren W. Wiersbe & David W. Wiersbe [Wiersbe, Warren W. & Wiersbe, David W.]

John the Baptist Most of the season of Advent centers on the infant Jesus. The person of John the Baptist forces us to make a leap forward in time, to ...
( Category: Christmas December 15,2015 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2010-10-01 | Author:Jennifer Haymore [Haymore, Jennifer]

Chapter Fourteen She came downstairs in the late morning, just after Jack had returned from fetching their breakfast from their landlady in the village. Since he’d let the house, he’d ...
( Category: Christmas December 9,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2009-10-29 | Author:John Mortimer

“Now, as a sign of Christmas fellowship, will you all stand and shake hands with those in front of and behind you?” Eric, in full canonicals, standing on the steps ...
( Category: Christmas June 11,2015 )
epub |eng | 2014-09-08 | Author:Diane Muldrow [Muldrow, Diane]

From Christmas in the Country by Barbara Collyer and John R. Foley, illustrated by Retta Worcester, 1950. When was the last time you went caroling? From The Animals’ Merry Christmas ...
( Category: Christmas May 27,2015 )